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The 2023 Northeast Lean Conference Buy Collection The 2023 Northeast Lean Conference

“It’s About Time: Lean Tactics for Saving It, Making It, & Not Wasting It”.

Time has long been a reason given for foregoing process improvement, but lately, it’s even more prevalent. Is this because we are too busy expediting material or searching for someone to run a machine or help a patient? Or maybe our race to re-supply pent-up demand from the pandemic is the problem; or the increase in tactical meetings to locate local sources of supply for material no longer available from overseas manufacturers. As the saying goes, “We’re too busy fighting alligators to drain the swamp,” except now there are far more alligators. So, how can we reclaim this valuable lost time? With a singular source of inexhaustible energy: employee creativity. According to Shigeo Shingo, unlocking that creativity requires just two ingredients: methods and motivation. This was the focus of GBMP’s 19th Annual Northeast L.E.A.N. Conference.

Our theme, It’s About Time, has a double meaning:

• First, correct use of Lean methods – from 5S to SMED to Standardized Work – reclaims and repurposes wasted time for the betterment of customers, employees, and the company. Provide employees with these methods and watch the creativity surge.

• Second, there has never been a better time than today when many organizations regardless of industry share a common motivation: How to satisfy increased customer demand in the face of scarce resources? Doesn’t that sound like Lean? It’s about time for management to make a visible commitment to continuous improvement.

Peruse the daybook attached below to read the full abstracts and plan your training adventure! We hope you will take advantage of this collection of videos of all of the presentations from the event, share them with team members, and pepper them throughout your training all year long. Now is the time for every organization to invest in the benefits of Lean. Gain the knowledge and inspiration to accelerate ROI on their continuous improvement efforts.

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USD $89.00
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